Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Reflections: Part I

Time is going by fast...I mean really quickly.
I am still trying to catch up from my birthday festivities, and that was almost two weeks ago!
Here are a few pics to start with:

this is the lime mint smoothie.yuuuuuum
that started the weeklong celebration!

I was a little scared of 40...but a 100 minute massage melted that away
birthday self-portrait (I take them every year...except I don't keep them all in one place so I have birthday portraits floating around everywhere and who knows where.

Birthday Mai-Tai ~ no fear of 40 here

My sweetie threw me a BBQ in a park and was able to get friends and family to attend! Including my roomie from Paris...he is so wonderful and the efforts of all really really made me weepy.
one of the many magic tricks my hubby is capable of...catch lizards with a grass snare and then set them free.

fresh carrots from the garden....thank goodness for the friendly garden my garden has taken a back seat in my life...the gnomes were kind enough to weed my plot to my surprise.
I was easily able to find my carrots and beets!

The weeks closing ceramonies was a surprise trip to the Getty where additional family met us there! Although we spread to the four directions on entering the building I had a lovely day of inspiration and tears.
I cried a fair bit this birthday...I tryed to hide it though.

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